Por: Augusto Campos | Canal 82 | Luanda - Segunda a Gazetta do Canadá Mariah Carey custou do bolso da Unitel 1 Milhão de Dólares e acusam-na de cantar para um ditador.
MONTREAL — Mariah Carey made a quick $1 million last Sunday by performing for José Eduardo dos Santos, the dictator of Angola.
The activists at the Human Rights Foundation sounded a little cross
about this. President Thor Halvorssen called it “the sad spectacle of an
international artist purchased by a ruthless police state to entertain
and whitewash the father-daughter kleptocracy that has amassed billions …
This is a little odd, given that Carey apologized after doing a 2008 show for Muammar Khaddafi’s family.
In Luanda, Angola’s capital, Mariah did a stadium show sponsored by a
company owned by dos Santos’s daughter Isabel, and performed at a
fundraiser, attended by Eduardo, for the Angola Red Cross, which Isabel